Coal Loader Site - Koori Kinnections Aboriginal Cultural Experience

Desde AUD AU$49,00
  • Duração: 2 Horas (Aproximadamente)
  • Código de produto: CLGROUPS

Participants will learn about Aboriginal Culture (including the significance and purposes of rock engravings), history and sustainability. The program includes 4 components with bush food tasting a delicious additional option

  • a 'hands on' session with traditional Aboriginal tools, weapons and resources.
  • visit an Aboriginal rock engraving site (heritage)
  • guided bush walk
  • visit the Bush Tucker garden (learn about traditional and contemporary uses of native plants) - depending on availability of garden. If it's not available, the plant component will be include in a guided walk.

+ Bushfood tasting - optional extra 

Pricing: 1-15 adults $735 total. 16 - 80 adults $49 per head. 

Bushfood tasting platters  ($10 per head) 

(Programs for pre-school, school and vacation care groups are also available!)